Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Penny and I had a great day of discovering today.... very little creating finished products.... but we still felt a sense of achievement.
Flicking thru a magazine we found a card with a baby carriage similar to this one, so set about making a cutting file for ourselves......
During this process I was showing Penny how to change the blade in my gazelle ( as she now has a precious pink bundle too ) and found a small spiral of paper in my blade holder..... man what a difference a new blade and that nasty scrap of paper gone makes to the cutters abilities.... have I mentioned I love my cutter lately?
Any way...... our cutting file, the Swiss Dots cutllebug embossing folder, Martha Stewart floral vine deep edge punch, some inks....
and the hat pin - saw some lovely ones in a magazine .... then priced them... ouch.... now who was it that had the bright idea of making our own...? That's right it was Penny..... so we started our day at the junk shop to invest in the makings of these hat pins... must say though, they were easy to make and very cheap in comparison to buying them ready made....
I was determined to finish this card tonight as Pen wanted to take photos earlier but I wanted to put on the ribbon first.  So after a very long, & very informative open night at a trade training centre we hope to send our eldest boy to next year, I have it finished and now posted...... can sleep now without getting into trouble for not doing it....

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